Sunday, April 27, 2014

Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale

Have some things laying around the house that you'd like to get rid of?  You can donate those items to the local charity of your choice, and get a tax deduction; a very good and helpful thing to do.  Or, alternatively, you can make some extra money, meet some of your neighbors, and have some fun while your'e at it, by participating in our annual Forest Estates Garage Sale. Our neighborhood-wide garage sales have been very well attended, with people coming from all over the area looking for bargain items.  This year's event will be held on Friday and Saturday, May 30 and 31.  We will have fliers posted throughout the neighborhood, and beyond, to ensure good publicity and advertising.  If you choose to participate, no need to let us know.  Just have your sale items marked and available in your garage, in your driveway, or yard, and easily visible from the street on the days indicated.  

Here are a few helpful tips for preparing for a successful garage sale: 
-  At least a week in advance, go thru your house, closets, drawers, shelves, garage, etc, and set aside the items you intend to sell by moving them to your garage
- As you identify the items for sale, put prices on them immediately with a marker and tape. (Save yourself the stress later on.  You don't want to be doing this on the morning of the sale) 
- Have everything in your garage ready to set out the night before. 
- Take some time to visit some of your neighbors' sales.  Who knows; You might find that perfect whatchamacallit for an unbelievable price, and make some new friends while you're at it. 

Let's all have fun!

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